Fire Emblem Path of Radiance Fun Facts

1 Fire Emblem Path of Radiance is originally called Faiā Emuburemu: Sōen no Kiseki in Japanese. It literally means "Fire Emblem the Path of the Blue Flame."

2) Fire Emblem Path of Radiance is a sequel of Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn that was released in 2007 for Wii console.

3) The main protagonist, Ike, is one of the playable characters in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

4) Ashnard, Elicia, Soothe and the Black Knight also appeared in Super Smash Bros. Brawl but only featured on trophies, stickers and sound tracks.

5) Fire Emblem Path of Radiance is the very first game in Fire Emblem series to feature 3D models of characters and backgrounds.

Fire Emblem Path of Radiance

6) The game is the first Fire Emblem title to use fully motion video (FMV) to feature special scenes in the story.

7) Although the game didn't sell that much in Japan, yet the Fire Emblem Path of Radiance received decent scores from game reviews after its release.

8) Ike was born from Gallia and his parents were both from Daein, but he always considered himself as one of the Crimeans.

9) Unlike most Nintendo consoles, Nintendo 64 has no Fire Emblem game available.

10) Soren is probably named after Soren Kierkegaard. He is a 19th century philosopher and theologian whose works became the basis for "Existentialism."

11) Titania is called Tiamat in Japanese version. In Babylon mythology, she is a primordial goddess whose body became the heaven and the earth. In later accounts, she is often associated with sea.

12) The name Titania is a reference to a fairy queen from William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream play.

13) From its earlier stage, the developers originally planned to make Titania a Lance Knight and not a Paladin.

14) Soren may seems to have a black hair as shown in his artworks, but it is actually a dark shade of green.

15) Titania is also the name of a mount owned by Vanessa, a Pegasus Rider from Fire Emblem Sacred Stones.

16) Rhys name in Japanese version is "Kiruroi" which is best translated as Kilroy.

17) Rhys in Gaelic language literally means "zeal" or "enthusiasm."

18) Rhys always wanted to be a swordsman, yet his poor health and feeble body hindered him to reach his ambition.

19) Fire Emblem Path of Radiance dropped most of the features found in Fire Emblem games for Gameboy Advance (GBA). Nevertheless, it retains most of the key features that fans loved in Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).

20) It is interesting to note that Dark Mages and Shamans who are commonly found in most Fire Emblem games were stripped from Fire Emblem Path of Radiance.

21) There are three difficulties in Fire Emblem Path of Radiance: Easy, Normal and Hard. In Japanese version, however, there has never been an Easy Mode, but there is another one called the Maniac Mode. The latter has the most difficult gameplay available in the game.

22) Shinon is probably derived from the name Sinon mentioned in Homer's Odyssey. He is a Greek warrior who tricked the Trojans to accept the wooden horse as a war trophy from the goddess Athena. His trickery prospered and eventually led to the downfall of Troy.

23) Many fans are led to believe that Rajaion survived in the end, but this vague speculation was debunked after the release of Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn.

24) There are only three person in the game whose age were mentioned. These are Shinon (27), Oscar (24) and Janaff (over 110).

25) According to the official site, Ike was 17 years old during the events in Fire Emblem Path of Radiance.

26) In one of Janaff's death quotes, he beg Ike to take care of his son. Oddly, he is actually referring to Reyson. This is probably a translation error on the part of the developers, since Janaff is nothing but a guardian of Reyson and probably much younger than the Heron prince.

27) Stefan can only be recruited when you let Mordecai or Lethe talk to him. He also had a special conversation with Soren, but their engagement alone cannot make him join the party.