Final Fantasy VII Fun Facts

1) Final Fantasy VII is considered by many as one of the most famous Final Fantasy title. Most fans considered it as the best game in the series thus far.

2) Final Fantasy VII is the very first Final Fantasy game to be ported in another console instead of Nintendo. It was originally developed for Playstation and was later ported for PC, too.

3) Previous Final Fantasy games are famous for their full 2D environment and sprites. Final Fantasy VII replaced the traditional graphics by introducing the first 3D characters, battles and world map in the series.

4) Did you know that Final Fantasy VII has the most number of copies sold in the series so far?

5) Final Fantasy IV and Final VI were renamed as Final Fantasy II and Final Fantasy III respectively in North American regions. These changes on chronology caused a lot of confusion among fans. Unlike its predecessors, however, Final Fantasy VII retained the continuity of the title based on the original chronological order.

Final Fantasy VII

6) Final Fantasy VII ranks second after Gran Turismo as the best-selling game in Playstation with 9.72 million copies sold.

7) The city of Midgar is most likely a diminutive to "Midgard." In Norse mythology, it is the land where humans dwell.

8) Barret, the leader of AVALANCHE, is known for his high-powered gun on his right arm. His name is probably a reference to Barrett Firearms Company. It is an American manufacturer of firearms and ammunition famous for their sniper and assault rifles produced.

9) To pay homage to Star Wars movies, Biggs and Wedge are named after the Rebel Alliance members Biggs Darklighter and Wedge Antilles.

10) The word 7th Heaven is an idiomatic expression which refers to a state of great happiness and satisfaction. In Jewish Talmud, it is a common belief that the heavens are subdivided into seven spheres. The seventh heaven, being the highest sphere, is where the throne of God stands. Thus, it signifies a complete state of happiness in the presence of the Almighty.

11) Nibelheim is most likely a disambiguation of the word "Niflheim." In Norse mythology, it is one of the Nine Worlds where the Frost Giants lives. It is basically a primordial realm of extreme cold and ice.

12) In Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy, Tifa Lockhart's devastating weapon is named after her bar, the "Seventh Heaven."

13) One of Cloud Strife's weapon is called Yoshiyuki. It is a Japanese masculine name which literally means as "righteous happiness."