Tales of Phantasia Fun Facts

1) Tales of Phantasia is the title that started the Tales series. It was originally released by Namco for Super Family Computer (Super Famicom) in 1995.

2) Did you know that Tales of Phantasia has the most number of remakes in Tales series? It has some versions on handheld consoles and iOS, too.

3) It is interesting to note that Kosuke Fujishima, the character designer of Tales of Phantasia is also the creator of Ah! My Goddess! manga.

4) Most fans considered the Tales of Phantasia version for Playstation as the best version thus far.

5) The name Cress Albane is sometimes translated as Cless Alvein. The latter is the first name given to him as seen from the instruction manual and ending credits of the Super Famicom version of Tales of Phantasia.

Tales of Phantasia

6) Did you know that Suzu Fujibayashi is not a playable character in the original version of Tales of Phantasia? Nevertheless, this was changed in all subsequent remakes of the game. Thus, making her the sixth member and last member of the party.

7) Tales of Phantasia borrowed some names and lore from the Norse mythology. The name Heimdall and Ymir are just some of the best example that are mentioned in the game.

8) In Norse myth, Heimdall is a god who possessed Gjallarhorn, the resounding trumpet of the gods. He is called the "whitest of the gods" and is known for his keen senses and foreknowledge.

9) Ymir is another mythological character of the Norse origin. He is a primordial being of gargantuan size who was born from the elemental poison. His death on the hands of the gods Odin, Vili and Ve created the earth, the sea and almost everything found in them.

10) Tales of Symphonia is a direct prequel of Tales of Phantasia. The gap of events between the two games is still undetermined, but it is estimated to be several thousands of years.

11) Sheena Fujibayashi from Tales of Symphonia is most likely an ancestor of Suzu Fujibayashi.

12) The world of Aselia is a combined worlds of Sylvarant and Tethe'alla. The story behind this merger of worlds is mentioned in-depth in Tales of Symphonia.

13) The Kingdom of Fenrir is one of the most powerful nations in Aselia that was destroyed by the comet Samier. It's name is borrowed from the Norse mythological wolf that will play a vital role in the "twilight of the gods" known as the Ragnarok.