Castlevania Curse of Darkness Fun Facts

1) Castlevania Curse of Darkness is called "Akumajou Dracula Yami no Juin" in Japanese version. It is best translated as Demon Castle Dracula Shade of Night.

2) Did you know that only the Playstation 2 version of Castlevania Curse of Darkness was released in Japan? The XBox version was only released in North America and Europe.

3) Castlevania Curse of Darkness is a direct sequel of the classic Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse.

4) The events in Castlevania Curse of Darkness takes place just 3 years after the events in Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse.

5) Did you know that Trevor Belmont is named Ralph Belmondo in Japanese version? Although Ralph is a common name, yet it was never retained in any North American and European versions of Castlevania games.

Castlevania Curse of Darkness

6) St. Germaine is most likely a reference to a real-life count of Paris in the 18th century. He is a courtier who claimed to lived for hundreds of years and ages not. There are several legends about his immortality and how he played hidden roles that shapes the history of mankind.

7) The events in Castlevania Curse of Darkness takes place in the countryside of Transylvania in Romania. This known fact may have something to do with why Konami included Saint Germaine in the game. Since, the real Comte de Saint Germaine of Paris is believed to be the son of Francis II Rakoczi, the Prince of Transylvania.

8) In her book Count Saint-Germain, the author Chelsea Quinn Yarbro features the enigmatic courtier as a 4,000 year old vampire living in the regions of Transylvania.

9) Castlevania Curse of Darkness is the very first game in the series to stripped away the bats in the compendium of enemies.

10) The events in Castlevania Curse of Darkness is about 97 years prior to the events in Castlevania: The Adventure.

11) A Jin is a benevolent elemental spirit that has power to manipulate the wind. It is probably named after the Jinn mentioned in Arabic folklore. The English word "genie" used in the story of Aladdin is a derivative of the word Jinn.

12) The Midas' Gold is an item drop of a Jin. In Greek mythology, Midas is the accursed king of Phrygia who can turn everything that he touched with his hands into gold.

13) One of Hector's armor is called the Alucart Mail. It was introduced in Castlevania Symphony of the Night as one of Alucard's body gear. If equipped together with Alucart Sword and Alucart Shield, the whole set gives additional 30 points to luck.

14)  In Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance, the Alucart Mail is not present in the game even though the Alucart Sword and Alucart Shield are included.

15) Alucart Mail is actually a satirical name given to an imitation of Alucard Mail. The latter is part of a set of battle gears owned by Alucard himself.

16) The Cuirassair Armor is commonly called as Cuirass in most Castlevania games.

17) The Masakado's Helmet is probably named to pay homage to the 10th century famous samurai, Taira no Masakado. He is the leader of an insurrection against the central government during the Haein Period of Japan.